Our Stories
Sep 26 2023
A Year of Gratitude
With each passing year, the gifts we receive continue to have an incredible impact on the lives of people living with disabilities and medical conditions. The 2023 camp year was no exception.
From the pathways, to the outdoor activities and everything in between, there’s no part of Easter Seals Camp Horizon that hasn’t been influenced by philanthropic support. YOU made camp possible for the more than 470 campers that attended Camp Horizon this summer.
…Sep 07 2023
A New Porch Lift Helps Hunter Start his School Day with Confidence and Independence

Hunter is bursting with creativity. He loves singing, telling jokes, reading, and sharing stories during circle time at school. Like most seven-year-olds, Hunter is working hard to get ready to begin Grade Two. But for Hunter, twelve very steep steps stood in his way of getting to school safely.
Apr 18 2023
Welcome to the Adventure Camp at Home Virtual Programs blog. Check out the activities and stories of our participants below!
Mar 30 2023
Brooke has bravely faced some tremendous challenges in her life. But they haven’t broken her spirit.
The first 37 nights of Brooke’s life were spent in the hospital. She was born at 30 weeks and five days – nearly ten weeks premature. After this incredibly difficult start, the next few months of Brooke’s life were pretty typical. But as months went by, her mother noticed that Brooke was missing some of her milestones. She sensed that something might be wrong.